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Take Charge of Your Mental Health

A Lovely Pause is committed to helping those who live with PTSD and other trauma-related disorders take charge of their mental health and receive the services they need by offering financial assistance, community education and awareness, workshops, peer support, and more.


Our Services

We offer a variety of services to help you take charge of your mental health, like workshops, retreats, and community education. We also provide financial assistance for those who qualify to make your options more affordable.

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Volunteer at A Lovely Pause

Do you have a heart for volunteering or a passion for mental health? We have spots available to volunteer for every person. From administrative duties to working with people, we have a job for you at A Lovely Pause!

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Monthly Newsletter

Join our mailing list to receive monthly mental health freebies and stay up to date on all our workshops, classes, retreats, fundraising events, donation drives, and more!

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A Lovely Pause strives to meet the needs of mental health in Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri by offering:

  • Community Education/Awareness: A Lovely Pause uses its online presence to create education and awareness about mental health, trauma, and how it affects our lives, families, and communities with newsletters, live streams and podcasts, online webinars and workshops, and social media platforms.

  • Coping Skills: A Lovely Pause connects clients with positive coping skills within their area by collaborating with other organizations and businesses that provide opportunities for creating these skills. ALP also offers free online printable resources that provide different aspects of healthy coping.

  • Support: A Lovely Pause supports those with PTSD and other trauma-related disorders by offering financial assistance to those who fall through the gaps of the healthcare system or require more than just traditional therapy services, not covered by insurance. We also have a volunteer program that promotes community involvement and peer support.

  • Resources: A Lovely Pause connects clients to other organizations and businesses in our area that provide mental health services, including but not limited to, behavioral therapy, somatic experiencing (yoga, breathwork, etc), and medicine management.

A Lovely Pause

A Lovely Pause was founded in 2019 as a personal blog and resource for women healing from trauma. In 2022, we formed as a non-profit to better assist and support those living with PTSD and other trauma-related disorders.


Let us help you take the stress out of Mental Healthcare.

— Andrea Yount



It costs approximately $2000/year to help the average trauma client get the services they need to heal from trauma. One-time and sustaining donors help us to serve our clients and ensure they have access to care. You can donate by clicking the link below!