
Values Progam

Our values program was inspired by a process Andrea has been using for years! The cycle of growth can be overwhelming. This process gives you a starting point to come back to time and time again! Know what's important to you and live an intentional life!


“HeArtworks’ 30 Day Journal is designed with a deeper understanding in mind.” - Stacey Digges

Participants will use the journal to better understand their thinking patterns, notice habits, and form new, healthy skills to lead their best lives. Each day participants will reflect on their current emotions and thoughts. They will also respond to thoughtfully crafted journal prompts that will help the journaler reflect, achieve, appreciate, and grow. The weekly prompts build on the weeks before to help the journaler have a better understanding of the pieces that make up their whole. HeArtwork is fulfilling your purpose and living your values. Are you ready to live a purpose-full life?

The next 30 days could be a step in the right direction!


Kindred’s Comics