HeArtwork: Healing our Trauma FREE Journal Prompts
The pieces of ourselves that break off after trauma change who we are for the rest of our lives. We can never go back to our former shapes, much as we would like to. We aren’t the same as we were before the experience. Now we have to learn to find the purpose of this new state of being and to live within it as healthy as possible.
I am a big believer that the things that threaten to break us, can actually make us stronger. The weak points of our lives that have caused us a lot of pain can become passages through which we find our healing. The way towards this healing is through honest, focused reflection. By looking with clear vision at our trauma and triggers, we can begin to understand how this has shaped us, and how we can take control of that shaping.
This month’s free download is designed to help you find that reflection and the strength within it. The journal prompts help you to understand your trauma from a new perspective, and to find the purpose within the ways it’s shaped you.
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Healing Trauma Journal Prompts Download.